Hey, I’m Alexis

a.k.a. The Crafty Chinchilla


I have the jack of all trades complex, but i’m embracing it

For a big part of my life (read 24 years) I followed the path I thought I was supposed to take.

I graduated college with honors.
I earned an International Business bachelor’s degree and a minor in French.
I added on a certification for the Music & Entertainment Business Program at KSU.
I got a salary paying job immediately after graduating that was actually in the field I studied.

I did everything right.

But suddenly I was 24 years old, not happy and feeling lost.

Then the pandemic happened and I had time to think about where I was in life and where I wanted to be and I quickly realized I needed to make a change.

I had so many things I was decent at, but nothing that was a “why that made me cry” (yes I drank the MLM juice for a bit, thought maybe that would be my calling).

I settled on forming this business that encompasses all the art forms I like. And through this business I got connected to another business, Konnect’d Entertainment, back in 2022. That community knows me as “Chilla” because The Crafty Chinchilla was a mouthful.

Now I get to do even more things that I love doing in the field I started in. Full circle.



Meet Bubbles and Bitsy

I came up with the name for my art business when playing with my two chinchillas. I didn’t want to pigeon-hole myself into one form of art and I love alliteration thus, The Crafty Chinchilla was born November 2020.

Since then I’ve been working on exploring different art forms, techniques, and honing my skills.

Visit my gallery to see some of my original paintings. Eventually I’ll have my shop back up when things settle down in life.